Inspiring Management Tips

Reflecting on this past year helps prepare you for the next one

  This holiday, I encourage you to look back at all that has happened for you. Recall those wildly successful adventures, the frustrating challenges, and things left undone. Reflecting and appreciating the full range of experiences is an important step to help us move forward in 2018. We need them all in order to grow and…


November 2017 Round Robin

n this month’s Round Robin, Robin was joined by team members Sheryl Chatham and Amee Pant for a full hour of learning and sharing. There was a lively discussion about giving feedback, how asking questions can be an effective way to offer feedback, when to address problems that surface for new employees, how to know…


Those who give, receive

This article was originally printed in the October issue of the Business Journal. We’ve all heard the adage “it is better to give than to receive.” We think of it in the context of helping a child learn the power of being generous instead of being greedy. Turns out that it is very smart business,…


October 2017 Round Robin

In October’s Round Robin, the PXT Select reports are reviewed along with some questions regarding distortion, performance models and percentage match.   Smart Tips Served Straight to Your Inbox Want to build healthy, productive workplace relationships??? Join our community of Graceful Leaders/Managers and get access to tips, insights, and resources right in your inbox. BONUS:…


Eichert presenter at Insurance Agent Summit

Robin Eichert will be one of 26 invited speakers at this year’s Insurance Agent Summit, held October 23-26, 2017. Eichert is presenting “Taking the Guesswork out of Your Agency’s Next Hire” on the first day of the five-day summit. Other speakers include insurance agency owners, producers, brokers, and thought leaders of the industry. The event…


Graceful Giving offers opportunity to inspire and be inspired

Inspiration can come in very unlikely packages. My dog, Grace, has influenced me in countless ways over the years. She has persistently nudged me in directions that expand my knowledge and understanding of how to interact and care for her. This journey has taken me places I never even knew existed and it has benefited us…


September 2017 Round Robin

In September’s Online Workshop, Robin discussed the Everything DiSC Sales Program. This program helps sales representatives learn their own sales approach and also get familiar with the buying styles of their prospects. Even if you aren’t in a typical sales role, “selling” ideas and concepts is something that comes into play all the time. This…


How a spider web tells us to weave what we want and embrace change

On most weekday mornings, the alarm goes off at 5:30. About 15 minutes later, Grace and I head outside for a quick walk. My eyes are blurry and I’m not totally awake, coffee comes later. So the other day when I glanced up and saw this heavy string-like image hanging in front of me, I…


August 2017 Round Robin

In this month’s Online Workshop, Robin discussed the Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team. This program will help your team move to a higher level of performance. This is a program that can be facilitated with your work group, but you will benefit by learning the steps in our session and how you can apply…


What to do when you don’t know what the problem is

Managers are often expected to have all the answers. And of course, good managers will find solutions when they see it as a priority. Yet what do you do when you don’t know what the problem is or don’t see it as important? Often times, we do nothing. I’m guilty of this, too, but Grace gave…