Inspiring Management Tips
Before setting new year’s resolutions, what did you learn from last year?
Last January, I wrote this post about what I wanted to accomplish in 2015. The concept I used to help me set my goals was based on identifying one word that reflected your priorities. So here am I, one year later, with information to share on how I did. In truth, things did not work out as I…
Seasons’ Greetings, now and all year long!
The magic of the holiday season is here. Why not find ways to keep the spirit alive in your workplaces during all the seasons? That’s why the title “Seasons’ Greetings” — with the apostrophe after the s — is not a typo! Let’s make sure that the festivities and generosity found this time of year transcends…
December 2015 Round Robin Smart Tips Served Straight to Your Inbox Want to build healthy, productive workplace relationships??? Join our community of Graceful Leaders/Managers and get access to tips, insights, and resources right in your inbox. BONUS: Sign up now and receive a FREE animal-inspired gift: “3 Management Tips from Dog!” Share with a friend using one of…
Focus: It means the difference between success and mediocrity
There are many demands placed on today’s worker. No one is exempt from this pressure, from CEO to clerk. We’re all asked to accomplish a high volume of error-free outcomes. Just keeping up with a day’s worth of incoming email can seem daunting, much less making headway on the long-range goals you’ve set (or others have…
Bringing Communities Together One Dog Biscuit at a Time
Our workday tasks are often focused on our internal initiatives. Completing deadlines and projects are paramount to our organizational success. Something happened to me this week that reminded me of the importance of stepping outside of those boundaries. Wednesday night when I got home, I found a gift bag hanging on the front door. My…
November 2015 Round Robin Listen to Audio Mp3 version: Smart Tips Served Straight to Your Inbox Want to build healthy, productive workplace relationships??? Join our community of Graceful Leaders/Managers and get access to tips, insights, and resources right in your inbox. BONUS: Sign up now and receive a FREE animal-inspired gift: “3 Management Tips from Dog!” Share…
Do You Stand Out from the Crowd or Are You Lost in Your Environment?
Work days are often so hectic that we can get lost in the “sameness” of everything and everyone. Even things and people that we like and enjoy become routine. Behaviors are expected and even good ones get lost in the predictability of patterns we have come to rely on. Then when someone does something to…
October 2015 Round Robin Download MP3 October Round Robin Smart Tips Served Straight to Your Inbox Want to build healthy, productive workplace relationships??? Join our community of Graceful Leaders/Managers and get access to tips, insights, and resources right in your inbox. BONUS: Sign up now and receive a FREE animal-inspired gift: “3 Management Tips from Dog!” Share with…
Problem resolution can sometimes leave you in a messy hole
In organizations, there are a multitude of projects that are constantly underway. These initiatives are designed to fix an existing problem or improve something, such as reduce the number of client complaints, increase billable hours, or achieve higher quality in a product. These are good goals to have, as long as leaders recognize the true…