Inspiring Management Tips
You can’t solve employee problems with your head in the sand
“I can’t believe he hasn’t done anything about that after all this time!” “It’s so frustrating that nothing ever happens around here.” “She shouldn’t be allowed to get away with that again!” Are these types of statements — ones that reflect a total lack of action by management — familiar in your workplace? If so,…
Are your employees always fighting with each other?
Do you find yourself in the middle of petty spats between employees? Sometimes it’s obvious when two (or more) co-workers aren’t getting along, but other times it might be more subtle, masked with polite-sounding but demeaning, cutting comments that undermine a team’s effectiveness. There are lots of reasons that people don’t get along, but whatever…
Eichert presenter at Granite Leaders program
Robin Eichert was a presenter for the Granite Leaders program, hosted by Families in Transition, in Manchester, NH on April 9, 2014. The Granite Leaders training program is focused on providing homeless and formerly homeless people with the skills and knowledge that they need to become even more involved in their communities on the issues…
Get both sides of the story before you take action on an employee dispute
Even if you think the situation is already clear-cut On occasion, an employee will come to you, as the manager, with an issue about another employee. After hearing the story, you want to fix the problem (a good thing!) and immediately take action based on this information. Fast action is the right course, but make…
Why curiosity can look like mutiny
When an employee is constantly curious and challenging, it might seem like you have mutiny on your hands. You, as the manager, just want the person to move on with the task at hand — the way you intended it to be done. Instead, you are left dealing with endless questions, ongoing suggestions for alternative plans,…
Get off your pedestal! Are you open to receiving feedback?
Most managers say that are open to feedback. And sometimes that’s true. But you know as well as I do, managers are often negligent in soliciting feedback, or they do things that indicate they aren’t open to it even if they say they are. Even managers with honorable intentions can mess this up. I believe managers understand…
Looking for a team building exercise? Volunteer in your community!
Any significant project in today’s workplace requires the cooperation of others. Even more than cooperation, successful outcomes only truly happen when a group of people decide to work alongside each other through thick and thin to accomplish their goal. They need to define roles, establish responsibilities, wade through obstacles and persevere through conflict, communicate clearly, and…
One Size Does Not Fit All: Treating Employees to Meet Individual Needs
It’s crystal clear that this sweater I made for Grace just doesn’t fit her. The top opening swallowed her neck size. The proportions are off. And why did I opt for a bulky yarn when my goal was to have a light-weight covering to keep her warm inside? Grace humored me by sporting it for…
FREE Webinar: Grow Your Own Leaders: Using Assessment-Based Coaching for Sustainable Leadership Development
Robin Eichert has partnered with Renee Charney of Charney Coaching & Consulting LLC to offer a new approach to coaching called “Assessment-Based Coaching.” Learn more and join us for this FREE informative webinar to learn how Assessment-Based Coaching can support the leadership development needs in your organization. The webinar will be held on April 3, 2014,…
Training Offering: Fox & Hound: Enhancing Workplace Collaboration by Building Authentic Alliances Across Personalities
Animal-inspired, people-proven training for your workplace. May 8, 2014 in Peterborough, NH; also available for onsite at your location Robin Eichert of PeopleSense Consulting, LLC has teamed up with Leaf Seligman of Opening the Window—Writing That Matters to offer new workplace training experiences designed to increase staff cohesion, creativity and wholeheartedness. Leaf draws on lessons gleaned over twenty…