Inspiring Management Tips

Put your perspective into proportion and you will improve your workplace relationships

I posted these two photos on Facebook yesterday after Grace surprised me with an uncommon dose of patience. I always feel like I’m the one modeling restraint and tolerance in our relationship, but that’s just not true. That’s MY perspective, not hers. Of course, I’m only thinking about the things I do to ensure she feels…


Do you love where you work?

What do you love about the company you work for? I’m sure there is something you love about the company you work for. Hopefully there are lots of things. And that’s the way it should be. Creating workplaces of choice ought to be the job of every executive, manager, and human resources professional. That doesn’t…


The Most Effective Phrases to Motivate an Employee to Do Something You Want Them To Do

A manager recently asked me if I could suggest some phrases that would motivate employees to do their work. This supervisor was hoping to find some positive ways to address lingering situations, such as corralling wandering workers away from a neighboring cubicle because of the continual distraction to the other co-workers, ending lengthy water cooler…


Effective communication depends on whether you are on a ‘walk’ or a ‘sniff’

It’s cold. Really cold here in New Hampshire.  When it’s six degrees outside, you don’t dawdle. Hanging around sniffing the environment can get your toes frozen, literally. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that when Grace is high-tailing it to the door, she’s ready to get back inside so she can snuggle deep…


What does being curious about data have to do with getting a job? Lots.

“To be successful at anything — and most assuredly at healthcare data analysis — you must be curious.” That was the opening line, but just one of the many gems, offered in the latest blog post written by Katherine Rowell, a healthcare data communications expert, and a very fun — and funny — lady. So…


Eichert will be presenter at FREE workshop on assertiveness

Robin Eichert will be the presenter for a FREE workshop entitled “How to be effectively assertive in your job search.” The event is hosted at The River Center, in Peterborough, NH, on Tuesday, January 28, 2014, from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. There will be interactive exercises, role playing, and small group work to cover situations…


Are you, or your employees, stuck in the decision-making process?

A colleague and I were talking the other day about how frustrating it is when people don’t get back to you. Simple things, like scheduling a meeting or making a decision on who to involve on a project team. In the beginning of our little pity party, we were not so tolerant, saying things like: “How…


Remember to say ‘thank you’ even when an employee is just doing her job

“That’s her job, why should I have to thank her for something she’s already being paid to do?” It’s a common question I hear. Some managers feel that a paycheck is adequate acknowledgment in return for the work that an employee was hired to do. Or that by executing the job requirements is an expectation…


Between you, me, and the lamp post, you can’t do everything well

I’ve always loved decorating Christmas trees. So when the Peterborough Chamber of Commerce announced a “Deck the Poles” holiday event, I was all over it. I mean, I’ve never decorated a lamp post, but wouldn’t it be just like decorating a tree? Nope. I learned that a lamp post is not a tree. This project…


Holiday Gift Giving: Give the gift that will last a lifetime

Save 50% off career planning packages!   Starting today, and through Dec 31, 2013, all our Career Planning Packages are reduced by 50%. That’s BIG! We are offering a very special savings on our Career Planning Packages — our way of expressing sincere gratitude and support for those who are embarking on a career transition. You are taking control of your career! In…