Inspiring Management Tips
Consistency is good, but not always the best management technique
Good managers know when to make exceptions Grace and I have lived under the same roof for seven years now. I can anticipate many things that she’ll do or not do. She’s a mooch for treats, anywhere, anytime. She cowers when she’s near kids, and she barks incessantly whenever someone approaches the house. (All those…
The Grass is Always Greener …
Grace has always been a grazer. She loves to eat grass. I have no idea why. Maybe she loves the taste. Maybe it settles her stomach. Maybe both. Maybe neither. It’s a mystery — one of many that exists with my relationship with Grace — and will frequently happen in relationships in the workplace. There…
Tips for Hiring Right
Ever regret a hiring decision you’ve made? I’ve certainly been there and I imagine you have, too. It’s not easy to get it right every time you hire someone. There are lots of variables to consider. But with a thorough process, you can definitely improve your odds of making the best decision. Last week, at…
Job applicants can shine even without experience
Solar industry looking for qualified candidates When you’re in charge of hiring, it’s quite common to seek someone who has already had success in the same type position. Proven success gives you confidence. But I’m here to say, don’t start or end your search with that criteria. Next week, I’m headed to the Solar Power…
Healthy workplaces can happen by doing small things
Managers set the tone for healthy environments Does it seem ludicrous that there could be such a thing as the nation’s healthiest community? Or that you could live in it? On one hand, it does seem impossible. But on the other hand, why not? What’s stopping it from happening? If everyone had a commitment to taking…
“What bears have taught me about being human”
When I saw the title slide on the presentation given two nights ago by New Hampshire bear expert, Ben Kilham, I knew I was going to enjoy the evening. Hosted by the Jaffrey Conservation Committee, my husband and I, along with another nature-lover friend, went to a talk Kilham entitled: “The social black bear: What…
Two easy steps that will lead to mutual respect
Have you ever had a manager or a co-worker show you a lack of respect? I bet you have. When two or more people come together come together to brainstorm ways to work through difficult relationships, respect is one of the first words that surfaces. “Everyone should respect one another,” is echoed again and again….