Inspiring Management Tips

Recognition makes you feel good, among other things

We all know how good it feels when we receive recognition. It not only puts a smile on our face but it has other significant benefits, too. It motivates us to do more of what gave us the positive reinforcement and therefore increases our confidence. These are important aspects for productivity and happiness. The recognition…


When you want to be successful, don’t try it alone

No great accomplishment is ever done alone. Certainly dogs rely on humans for many basic needs, but Grace started out living on the streets by herself. She found her own food and shelter; having enough self-preservation and willpower to do what she needed to survive. But even in those amazingly challenging times, I have no…


Two things to do when someone is ignoring you

There are times when I feel that Grace is ignoring me. (And I’m sure she does on occasion.) But mostly I think she just doesn’t always understand what I’m saying. What often looks to me as if she’s ignoring me is very likely a result of her not knowing what I’m saying. When she’s afraid…


Warning! There may be untapped potential all around you!

What is the potential for any dog? I doubt this question gets asked much by dog owners. Many of us bring a canine pal into our homes for companionship (nothing wrong with that!). But we probably don’t put a dedicated focus on helping them reach their own potential. We’re often more interested in having them…


You don’t have to wear blaze orange to be noticed, but it helps

This past weekend we went for our normal hike. Mostly normal, anyhow. Grace was dressed in her blaze orange vest, a safety precaution that she wouldn’t be mistaken for a deer during hunting season here in New Hampshire. While Grace isn’t even close to the size of a deer, she does leap through the woods…


How my ego got in the way of the best decision

I kept trying. And trying. But it just wasn’t working. After untold number of attempts, Grace continued to have the same message for me: Do. Not. Cut. My. Nails. Some of you may recall an where I lamented about how I have failed to successfully trim Grace’s nails. It’s always been a goal of mine…


The same problem can be solved in different ways

Cats have nine lives, so they say. I’m not sure how many our two-year-old orange tabby kitties, Oliver and Dodger, have already used. But they were put to the test this past week. While we were watching our friends’ energetic and active silver lab, Raegan, the cats had a challenge to face. Would they let…


Establishing rules of conduct is a good idea when you have someone new on your team

Our household was turned upside down last weekend. And it had nothing to do with the 31.5” of snow that was dumped on us. The freak snow storm, dubbed Snowtober here in New Hampshire, did not have nearly the punch as our four-legged visitor, Raegan. She’s an energetic, one-year-old silver lab who we were watching…


Transitions can generate excitement or stress

direct online installment loan lenders The transition of seasons is a fitting metaphor for the changes in our lives and within each of us. The yellow, orange and curry colors of the leaves looked bland yesterday, yet now are a bold contrast against the dusting of snow that fell last night. Fall is not over,…