
Career Coaching Services

New services offered for career planning

During a recent trip to Arizona, we saw this beautiful rock formation. Look closely — do you see the head of an eagle? At first glance, it’s a hole with lines until you look more carefully. Likewise with career planning, we’re often too close to the situation to be open to what is already there for us. We eliminate options because of preconceived notions about who we think we are, should be, or what we think we can do (or not do). We can help you explore the unknown by looking within.

From time to time, I get asked about whether I use an assessment that helps a person identify career options. Yes, the ProfileXT (PXT) offers a wealth of information to support those inquiries.

But … now it just got better!
The Pathway Planner Assessment builds on the comprehensive data collected from the PXT and expands on career opportunities, customized to reveal choices that are a natural fit to your unique Thinking Style, Behavioral Traits, and Interests.

That’s not enough?

O.K. There’s more. I’m partnering up with Nancy Bishop, an accomplished career planner, to work with individuals in their career exploration.

Still want more? You got it!

Nancy has put together programs you won’t want to miss. The purpose is for her to be a guide, tapping into specific areas of discussion, developing an action plan, and having a qualified sounding board to ensure a sense of accountability in the process. Topics include interviewing, career planning, and evaluation, all with a results-oriented approach.

This is an ideal process for anyone re-thinking their career. You may know of a colleague, friend, or family member that has talked about looking ahead for a new path. What an ideal holiday present!

Business owners will benefit by providing this service to individuals who are going through challenging outplacement activities. There could be no better gift than helping an individual find the right position.

Looking for the best path? Look here!

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