Unleash Yourself to Find the Best in YOU!

strengths, interests, unleash, workforce, managment

Do you ever hold back? Not say what you really think? Choose to stick with what’s tried and true instead of deciding to unleash yourself and your creativity? Unleashing your authentic self starts with being clear.

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Let’s Put Away the Judgment and Lead by Example

Helping others feels good. If I’ve learned anything from my years of volunteer work, it’s that giving back gives us the opportunity to lead by example and surprisingly learn a lot about ourselves in the process. For many years, my dog Grace and I have banded together to tackle the myriad types of trash that…

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Give Change a Chance

Even people you know well, people you may have worked with for years, can throw you a curveball. Maybe you’re both faced with an unfamiliar situation or the general circumstances change. You might be surprised by how the other person reacts (and by your own response). This happened recently with my dog, Grace, and it…

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The Power of Job Fit

Recently, my husband and I decided that the windows in our home really needed a washing. We have done it before, but neither of us particularly enjoyed it, nor did we do a very good job. In the past, we researched the best methods (including homemade formulas, newspapers, and lint free cloths) and spent a…

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Even strong teams are impacted when new players are introduced

When a strong team has a change in players, it is tempting to underestimate the impact of that transition. With a solid foundation in place, things could only improve. Right? But it doesn’t work that way. When even just one new person joins a team, dynamics change. Roles may shift, decision-processes may morph, and alliances…

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The Power of Job Fit

Recently, my husband and I decided that the windows in our home really needed a washing. We have done it before, but neither of us particularly enjoyed it, nor did we do a very good job. In the past, we researched the best methods (including homemade formulas, newspapers, and lint free cloths) and spent a…

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Fear can be your friend or your enemy, you choose

We all experience moments of fear. Fear can help fuel us to success, but far too often, we let it stop us from doing things we are capable of. It becomes our enemy instead of our friend. My timid dog, Grace, fears children, loud noises, and a long list of other things. She can be…

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Do you know where you’ll be going in 2017?

As 2017 looms just ahead, it’s the perfect time to undertake some planning activities. As Yogi Berra once said, “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” Do you know where you’ll be going next year? In late January of this year, I wrote of my new year’s aspirations for 2016.…

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The Silo Mentality is Optional

Why is it that someone feels compelled to operate in the silo mentality? Grace gave me the opportunity to ask that question the other morning when she had an unexpected reaction to a stray cat in our garden. What is the silo mentality? The silo mentality is rampant in organizations. It’s a well documented and familiar…

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