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Power Hour: FREE Flash Consulting

Flash Consulting PeopleSense Power HourCalling All Managers & Leaders

One Hour, Each Month = BIG Results!

Trying to navigate a challenging situation with someone in your organization? Looking to fine-tune your interviewing/hiring process for better results? Struggling to figure out how to deliver a tricky performance evaluation?

As managers and leaders, we often feel like we’re supposed to have all the answers all the time. But that’s simply not true. The most effective decision makers set aside time to reflect on challenges and seek guidance when needed.

Getting input from someone outside your organization, like an experienced consultant, can be a valuable way of gaining perspective. The PeopleSense team works with managers and leaders from a wide range of organizations across the country who all, believe it or not, face many of the same workplace dilemmas every day.

Join Us the Fourth Thursday of each month, 3:00 Eastern Time

We’re here to offer solutions, and that’s why we’re launching an all-new Flash Consulting opportunity once a month. When you don’t need a long-term consulting engagement, but you could use some quick answers, you can drop in, ask a question, and receive practical input you can put to use right away. We will help you work through those tough hiring and managing decisions.

Schedule of meetings and Call-in Information

No registration is needed; just use this link (or click on the applicable date below) and drop in during the hour, between 3:00 and 4:00 Eastern Time on any of these dates.

Alternatively, you can dial in using these credentials:

Dial (646) 558 8656
Meeting ID: 960 280 569

Jan 23, 2020

We can talk in confidence

Worried about confidentiality? We understand the delicate nature of these conversations and can ensure the strictest confidence. When you call in, separate break-out rooms are available so you can talk privately with one of the PeopleSense team members at no charge to you.

So add this to your calendar and get the support you need to best serve your organization and excel in your important role. Here’s to your Graceful Leadership!

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BONUS: Sign up now and receive a FREE animal-inspired gift: “3 Management Tips from Dog!"

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