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Culture Catalyst: Building Better Relationships in the Workplace
Have you ever wished someone on your team would show a greater sense of urgency? Or maybe you’re always having to ask for more details when collaborating with a colleague? Have you ever been struck by a co-worker’s reaction to a situation, thinking they were way too emotional?
The list of possibilities for potential disagreement and conflict between any two people – whether co-workers, family, or friends – is long. But successful professionals have an awareness of themselves and others that helps them navigate these complex situations.
It starts with learning more about your own personality style (yes, sometimes we have blind spots and uncovering them is key!). But it’s also about recognizing and working with other approaches, too. It’s possible for people with different styles to work together (really well), even though they differ.
One approach is not better than the other, but the strengths and challenges of each style absolutely affect how we interact with one another. Want to have better interactions? Simple—you have to develop your own awareness.
Join us February 23, 2021 from 8:30 to noon for a VIRTUAL session that’s both interactive and introspective. This is a chance to become more aware of your own natural tendencies, including priorities, motivators, and stressors. You’ll also gain insights into how to work with every personality style effectively.
Everyone is welcome, regardless of title or position, department or function. We can all benefit from building more productive and effective relationships at work.
We invite you to:
- Discover your own DiSC® style. Recognize the priorities, motivators, and stress triggers that shape your workplace experience.
- Explore other approaches. Understand the differences and similarities among the DiSC styles.
- Identify strategies to make more meaningful connections and use them effectively with colleagues of various styles. Reduce tension, solve problems, and contribute positively to your organization.
Before the workshop even begins, take advantage of a brief but valuable survey that gives you immediate access to your personal insights. Once we’re together online, you’ll be able to put these insights to use.
Gain a deeper awareness of your own style, learn how to identify the styles of others, and discover how to build better work relationships (even when working remotely). The info you’ll receive remains valuable long after our session ends.
Don't miss this opportunity to grow while developing yourself and your team. When you sign off the call, you’ll feel confident in honoring your own style while still showing respect for each person’s unique approach. After immersing yourself in this experience, you’ll be ready to create effective interactions with anyone and build better relationships everywhere you go.
A Culture Catalyst Case Study
Laura always liked results. Every day at work, she focused directly on projects and deadlines. That’s how she had always tackled things, and she came to feel like her forceful approach was what made her successful. However, she also faced a consistent challenge at work—communicating and managing workflow with the other people on her team.
After participating in the Culture Catalyst workshop, Laura noticed something about her priorities and motivations. Both were tied directly to her own personal work style. Suddenly she could see how different the styles and priorities of her colleagues were from her own.
As she explored this, she began to see how other people’s priorities also helped the team reach its goals. Ultimately, she recognized that her strong approach could be effective at times, but it also created roadblocks and challenges.
The remedy? Inviting collaboration with someone with a different approach. The result? Enhanced ideas and productivity, as well as better communication and all-around relationships.
Ready-to-Go Write-Ups and Graphics for Social Media
Want to feel confident about having effective interactions with ANYONE and building better relationships EVERYWHERE you go? Don't miss out on this game-changing session with @PeopleSenseConsulting! Grab your spot now and discover how to work with every personality style successfully. [INSERT LINK]
#everythingdisc #workplacewellbeing #workplaceculture #workplacemotivation
The list of possibilities for conflict between any two people – co-workers, family, or friends – is LONG . But successful professionals are SO self-aware they know how to navigate these complex situations. They even build better relationships while doing it
! You can, too! Register today to join us for a workshop that will give you a total #mindsetshift
#stressless #workplaceconflict #conflictresolution #everythingdisc
Ever wished a member of your team would speed things up? Offer more detail? React more calmly to a situation? It might sound crazy, but it IS possible for people with totally different work styles to collaborate really well together...seriously !
The key is tapping into your own personality style and better understanding the styles of others. Ready to #unleashyourpotential? Register now! [INSERT LINK]
#everythingdisc #personalitystyle #workplaceculture #teambuilding
Facebook Event Cover
Short Lead-ins for Sharing Promotional Email
Thought you’d be interested in this workshop about personality styles and workplace culture. It dives into the different priorities, motivators, and stress triggers we all bring to our work. And it ultimately explores how to honor your style, as well as everyone else’s.
Wouldn’t you love to be able to work well with ANYONE? That’s what looks most exciting about this upcoming workshop. The focus is on building better relationships at work and really anywhere you go. Who couldn’t benefit from that?
We all have our own ways of doing things and we all bring our own stressors with us to work (especially these days). But this workshop is a great way to get clear on your own style and how you can work best with other people.
This looks like such a great opportunity for your team! It’s a workshop about building stronger, more productive teams where everyone feels honored for their own work style. What a great way to move into 2021!
If you haven’t worked with Everything DiSC ® before, I think you’d really enjoy it. Not only does it give you the opportunity to learn interesting things about your own work style, but it also shows you how to work well with ANYONE. A great tool for any professional or team of professionals!