PXT Select Percentage Match
Wondering what the magic number is for the percentage match on the PXT Select? You’ll find out in this video along with how to use the percentage match in your decision-making.
PXT Select Percentage Match
In this video I want to talk about the percentage match that you see on the comprehensive selection report. I want to share how it’s calculated, what it means, and how to use it in your hiring decisions.
On the summary graph page you’ll see an indication for overall fit at the top, as well as three separate indicators for the match based on the categories of thinking style, behavioral traits, and interest. The calculation is based on the individual’s results to the model, so whenever the person’s results falls outside of the pattern there’s a deduction in that percentage and the further the score from the model the higher the deduction or the lower the number.
There is No Magic Number
A very typical question that I receive is what’s the magic number? Where’s the cutoff for when I should not move ahead with a candidate? The answer to that is that there is no cutoff!
We shouldn’t be using the numeric number as a decision point. That’s for a few reasons. First of all you remember how the calculations are strictly based on the scales, but one scale might have more relevance than another for you in a particular role. Understanding the individual’s results relative to those unique scales will matter.
We also need to take into account other aspects of the candidates background, skills, and experience when we’re thinking about job fit as well. Never use the the percentage match as your deciding factor; use it as a gauge and remember this is information to help you make a better decision. That’s why we don’t specifically say hire or don’t hire, because it’s part of the package, it’s part of the information that will help you guide this person to top performance.