PXT Select Verbal Skill and Reasoning
PXT Select Verbal Skill and Reasoning
In this video I’m going to be talking about verbal skill and verbal reasoning – what it means and how to use that information.
Thinking Style
Those two sections are a key part of the thinking style.
The thinking style is measuring an individual’s understanding of the relationship between concepts, the ability to problem solve, the ability to communicate that knowledge to others.
As you can imagine, that comes into play in every position.
Everyone will, at some point, be learning, processing, communicating in their work.
It’s not that one score is better than another.
It’s that we are trying to match a person’s natural capacity for processing information to the needs of the role.
Verbal Skill
With verbal skill, we are measuring rote knowledge of vocabulary.
That range being from someone who uses basic language in most situations all the way to someone who can communicate with a diverse vocabulary.
You can see the implications based on the position requirements.
Perhaps there isn’t much demand for written or verbal communication in a role.
Or, if for instance, the job required someone to deliver complex material or sensitive data without a lot of prep time, that would be easier for someone who had that diverse vocabulary to draw from.
This information is going to give you a sense of suitability and effectiveness of a person based on the way they are communicating using language.
Verbal Reasoning
Verbal reasoning is also focused on language, but there’s a more active component here.
We are looking now at the concepts, the meaning and the analysis of the words.
We are also looking at how a person receives information.
Are they able to understand the nuances between what is unspoken as well as drawing accurate conclusions from what they are hearing or reading?
Useful Information
As always being on one end of the spectrum isn’t necessarily better than being on the other.
That’s because different positions have different requirements.
Having this information gives us a better understanding of job fit, as well as gives us insight as to how we can more effectively communicate with others.