Hiring Right
Have you ever hired someone who didn’t meet your expectations?
We want to change that. Hiring right just got easier.
"There are only three times you get to fix people challenges; selection, training and termination. Invest in the first and you save big on the other two!"
If you want to avoid costly hiring mistakes, we can help. We give you information that allows you to understand how the person will really behave once they start on the job. You uncover these types of behaviors:
- Will he work independently or be a team player?
- Is he a big-picture person will he focus on the nitty-gritty details?
- Is she prone to follow established procedures or prefer to 'wing it' all the time?
- Will she stand at the water cooler socializing with co-workers be content working in a cubicle or remote working environment?
Implementing assessments into your hiring process will give you the information you need to make informed decisions. That will eliminate those surprise situations when you find out you hired someone different than you interviewed!
Looking for self-guided support about the selection process? You'll find dozens of videos available in my Learning Resource Center that review the "Ten Essential Steps for Hiring Right," along with a slew of topics that support your hiring needs.