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We’re here to help! (603) 801-0073 | [email protected]

Hiring that makes sense.

Order and Payment Page for PXT Select™ Assessments

Greetings SIAA members! We are ready to help you make the best hiring decision for you agency.

Do you have a candidate(s)that you ready to assess? You can follow our quick and easy three-step process to initiate the process.

Step 1: Order your assessments & create your account.

Step 2: Complete assessment details

Step 3: All done!

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Why assess your candidates?

Pre-hire assessments make gathering date easy and can have a major impact on cost to- and time per-hire, as well as overall business performance.

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How Are Hiring and Selection Decisions Typically Made?

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How Are Hiring and Selection Decisions Typically Made?

No thanks, hiring isn't a priority right now.

Why assess your candidates?

Pre-hire assessments make gathering date easy and can have a major impact on cost to- and time per-hire, as well as overall business performance.