The same problem can be solved in different ways

Oliver and Dodger are taking a break from romping around together, but even when Grace is not in her bed, they have always respected her space. I’ve never seen them make any attempt to get in her bed, even though they will lie in her other favorite places (like the sofa where we all vie for a premium spot). Grace generally ignores them, so having a larger, more rambunctious dog in the house for a few days threw off their leisurely routines.
Cats have nine lives, so they say.
I’m not sure how many our two-year-old orange tabby kitties, Oliver and Dodger, have already used. But they were put to the test this past week.

‘Can you please come out to play?’
While we were watching our friends’ energetic and active silver lab, Raegan, the cats had a challenge to face. Would they let Raegan bully them? (Harassing the cats was not Raegan’s true intent; she just wanted to play, unlike Grace who has no interest in them and wishes they would move to someone else’s home. The cats were not used to this much attention!) Or would they take control of the situation and roam around the house without fear of four large paws and a big, wet tongue on them?
I mentioned in my last past that Oliver had started to bravely enter the territory and face Raegan. With each exchange, Oliver got bolder. And Raegan got calmer. I think they were on their way to finding a middle ground.

‘Come on out. Please?’
Dodger took much longer. It was Day Seven before he ventured outside the basement and his safety zone. He was cautious and alert and always put himself in a location where he’d have fast access to his kitty door, back to safety.
These are two brothers that faced the same dilemma. How do we interact with this thing in our house? And they each took a different approach. After a few days, Oliver walked by as if he really was telling Raegan: “Back off. This is my house.” (Yet he also ran for his life when he had the opportunity.) He was probably scared to death but felt the need to take control. I can certainly relate to times when I’ve felt that way.

‘I’ll come find you. If only I could fit through this door.’
Dodger is the usually the more social of the two. So it surprised us that Oliver would be the one to take greater risks to join the activity upstairs. Maybe his courage helped Dodger eventually come out of his shell or maybe Dodger hit his limit and he didn’t want to be holed up the basement any longer. Either way, they moved at their own pace.
As a manager, we tend to have preconceived notions of how a person will react in a certain situation. Sometimes we’re right. Sometimes we’re wrong. I would have guessed the reverse reaction from Oliver and Dodger.
We didn’t push or coax the cats in any direction. We kept Raegan out of the basement and held her at certain times to avoid a mad scramble when we sensed a potential explosion about to occur. Beyond that, we let them work it out on their own terms. We were sensitive to Raegan’s desire to play and the cats’ desire to be left alone. We went down to the basement and gave them attention there so they knew we cared about them, too. But we tried not to interfere and let nature run its course.
In the workplace, I find that a manager will too often ignore the dynamics of a conflict. It can be a stressful situation, or at least one that can be irritating to those involved (and sometimes even to those who observe it), and if left too long, can fester to an eruption resembling a cat fight. Acknowledging the situation is really important, along with setting the expectation that it should be addressed. And whenever possible, let the parties work it out between them.

Ahhh. Back to the good life.
Raegan left yesterday just as Dodger was starting to interact with her. They probably both needed the break. But next time Raegan visits, Oliver and Dodger will have a newfound confidence to handle the situation, minimizing the threat of any cat fights.
That dog putting his head in the hole that looks too small to fit it is just priceless.
It was hysterical to watch, too. She was so puzzled as to why she couldn’t fit and she was determined to try!
I agree! That made me laugh out loud 🙂
Wow, what a lovely story…It sounds like you’ve been very busy and have had a full house on your hands whilst I was away 🙂 I love it that you allowed your kitties and your beautiful guest work out a way to share the house by themselves. I bet they both need a rest now that Raegan’s left 😉
It was interesting to watch the evolution of their interactions. I was particularly taken with how Raegan calmed down a little more each time she saw Oliver. I wasn’t sure if it was because Oliver showed more confidence or the novelty of the small furry creature was wearing off. Yes, now we’re enjoying how quiet it is!